Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Mars with AstroDMx Capture for the Raspberry Pi

A Skymax 127 Maksutov with a x2 Barlow was mounted on a Celestron AVX mount, and an SVBONY 305 Pro camera placed at the Cassegrain focus. 

The Raspberry Pi computer was running 32 bit Ubuntu MATE. AstroDMx Capture was used to capture a SER file. The SER file was gain and gamma adjusted in SER player and re-saved as a SER file.

The best 10% of frames in the 5,000 frame SER file were stacked in Autostakkert 3.1, Wavelet processing in Registax 6 and Post-processed in the Gimp 2.10.

Click in an image to get a closer view.

Screenshot of Ubuntu MATE running on the Raspberry Pi 4B with the launcher for AstroDMx Capture on the desktop

Screenshot of AstroDMx Capture for Raspberry Pi capturing a SER file of Mars


Details of the latest version of AstroDMx Capture can be found HERE as well as a download link

Steve Wainwright and Nicola Mackin

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