Thursday, September 10, 2020

AstroDMx Capture for macOS M16 and M27

AstroDMx Capture for macOS, a Bresser Messier-AR-102-xs f/4.5 ED refractor, an Atik 314L mono CCD camera with a H-alpha narrowband filter. The scope/camera combination were mounted on a Celestron AVX GOTO mount.

AstroDMx Capture for macOS was running on a MacBook Air computer.

40 x 60s exposures were captured of M16 as 16 bit Tiffs with matching dark-frames.

The images were stacked and dark-frame corrected in Deep Sky Stacker and post processed in the Gimp 2.10 and Affinity Photo.

Click on an image to show a closer view

Screenshot of AstroDMx Capture of AstroDMx Capture gathering data on M16, the Eagle nebula.

The non-destructive software controls plus the transform applied to the preview rendered M16 readily visible.

M16 final image showing the ‘Pillars of Creation’.

Similarly, 35 x 70s exposures were made of M27 in H-alpha light with matching dark-frames. The images were stacked and processed as before.

Screenshot of AstroDMx Capture for macOS gathering data on M27 in H-alpha light

Final image of M27

Steve Wainwright and Nicola Mackin

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