Click on an image to get a closer view. A Seestar S50 captured 169 minutes worth of 10 second exposures of the Wizard nebula in mosaic mode to make sure that it was all captured. A 5000 mAh power bank was used. The anti-dew lens heater was used, the Seestar S50 ran on the power bank and after several hours of imaging hadn't used even half of its charge and the charge in the Seestar did not reduce at all. The session was terminated due to clouds. It takes about twice as long in elapsed time to capture a given total exposure due to the fact that preparing and saving captured RAW files is a relatively slow process and a proportion of the captured images are lost due to star trailing. This seems to happen more frequently in mosaic mode as the scope slews to another part of the developing mosaic after several frames have been captured. It then seems to require a little time for tracking to stabilise and produce untrailed stars. Individual Fits files are not saved in mosaic mode as the mosaic is being built up by live stacking.
The resulting 16 bit Fits file was SPCC corrected in PixInsight and StarXterminator was use to produce a starless image. The image was further processed in GraXpert, the Gimp 2.10 and SetiAstro's Cosmic Clarity.
Click on an image to get a closer view
Animation of Tablet screenshots showing the building up of the complete mosaic.
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