Sunday, November 8, 2020

NGC7000 The North American Nebula

Here is an image of NGC7000 that I started in September but couldn't get the green and blue data until last Thursday with my SXVR694 ccd and Altair Starwave 70EDT telescope reduced to 336 mm focal length. Field of view is 2 1/4 degrees horizontally, although the camera was orientated at 90 degrees approx. This allowed me to get the maximum amount of the North American nebula as possible.

9x600s ha, 9x300s green and blue and 12x300s red because I forgot how many I took in September!

Stacked and processed in Pixinsight. I added the ha data to the RGB imaged using a narrowband combination script. I then created a synthetic luminance by adding the ha and red channels together using pixelmath to assist in sharpening detail in the nebula. Some star size reduction as there are an incredible number of stars in the upper part of the nebula. I'm quite pleased I've got some blue showing in the nebula as, in narrowband versions, there's O3 data visible, which shows as blue.

Click on the image to get a closer view

Anne Startup

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