I was out last night to see Mars at opposition, but due to lots of clouds I couldn't use the AstroTrac, so had to use a static tripod for short exposure and high ISO settings during suitable breaks in the cloud along the coastal path. Mars was really striking though at mag -2.6!
I captured some data of Mars near opposition from the QHY & ETX 125 this morning though, under better conditions and shot some of the Moon too whilst I was looking at the lovely conjunction of Venus and the Moon earlier on.
The Mars image was the best of some 9,975 frames taken between 04:40 and 06:04 today with my QHY5 camera and Barlow lens on the ETX 125, captured with EZPlanetary software and processed with Registax,, Astrocrop and Photoshop. The 26.5 day old Moon images were also taken with the QHY5 camera but without the Barlow lens on the ETX 125 and were made from 35 second video files shot at 15 FPS with processing done in Registax and Photoshop.
The widefield shots were taken with my Sony A77 camera with 16-50mm F2.8 lens tripod mounted.
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