Friday, September 18, 2020

M15 with AstroDMx Capture for the Raspberry Pi, an SVBONY SV305 camera and a 130mm F/5 Newtonian

 A Skywatcher Explorer 130 PDS 130mm, f/5 Newtonian was mounted on a Celestron AVX GOTO mount.

An SVBONY SV305 camera was placed at the Newtonian focus.

Nicola's AstroDMx Capture for the Raspberry Pi running on a Raspberry Pi 4B with the 32 bit Raspberry Pi OS, was used to capture 40 x 30s exposures of the globular cluster M15 as 16 bit Tiff files with matching dark-frames.

The best 36 frames were aligned and stacked in Deep Sky Stacker. The resulting image was post processed in the Gimp 2.10, Affinity photo, and Neat image.

Screenshot of AstroDMx Capture for the Raspberry Pi capturing data on M15

Final image of M15

Steve Wainwright and Nicola Mackin

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